About Us

“Business owners who understand how to build equity wealth in these times of radical disruption will shape the economy of the 21st century.”


The Performance Group

The Performance Group (TPG) assists business owners who want to optimize the wealth-building potential of their companies using a menu of resources focused on the financial, operational and strategic health of their enterprise.

The constructs behind the methodology used by TPG are the lifelong work of Sam Frowine and the wisdom and experiences of the talent employed over three decades. Some of the best tools and lessons emerged in collaboration with our clients.

See what our clients are saying >


The Institute

The Institute for Business Owners is the repository of the intellectual capital from Sam’s work with business owners. Great Enterprise through training, publications, events and support to The Performance Group (TPG) and its client companies who embrace the Institute’s methodology. The Institute was founded in 1996 by Sam Frowine.


Performance Capital Group

Performance Capital Group (PCG) is an investment advisory service providing expertise that is rarely available to owners of the under-$20M privately-held business. It works in close collaboration with The Performance Group and works to help clients become Investor Ready.